About Us

Lost in Time is more than just a business; it's a portal to the past. Our mission is to make history accessible and engaging for all.

Through our hands on interactive workshops we aim to spark curiosity and foster a deeper understanding of historical periods.

Our team is comprised of history enthusiasts and professionals, passionate about bringing the past to life and ensuring every child leaves with new knowledge and a smile.

We know what we teach as we have lived it, we have:


  • Ground our own grain
  • Spun our own thread
  • Forged our own armour
  • Marched as a soldier 
  • Slept in villas/longhouses/castles

And so when we teach we use this wealth of experience to bring authenticity to our knowledge.

Following on our success in schools, we decided to embark on something exciting, the Mini Mobile Museum. This allows us to visit residential/care homes with a variety of artefacts from a vast historical period. It is now becoming a very popular experience.