Ancient Rome 

Step into the immersive world of ancient Rome with our captivating school workshop! Students will be transported back in time to explore the fascinating history, culture, and achievements of one of the greatest civilizations in history.


Led by experienced educators and historians, this workshop offers a hands-on approach to learning about ancient Rome. From the founding of the city on the banks of the Tiber River to the height of the Roman Empire, students will delve into key periods, events, and figures that shaped the course of history.


Through engaging activities and interactive demonstrations, students will experience the daily life of ancient Romans. Our workshop also features a variety of resources,  to bring the ancient world to life. Students will explore topics such as Roman army, religion, architecture, and daily life, gaining a deeper understanding of this influential civilisation.

A Typical Day…

Students will meet Severus Septimus of Legio XX (the 20th legion) who will introduce themselves in Latin, they are on the hunt for brave children to join the army. The pupils will learn the story of how Rome was founded, and expanded to include Britannia. Next is basic training, following commands in Latin (although Severus will kindly translate) as well as exploring the weapons and armour of a 1st century soldier.


Following break, pupils will be given everyday objects from a villa to unleash their inner archaeologist to work out what the mystery objects are. 

After lunch the topics of festivals, food, Gods and Goddesses will be covered, through games, stories and dance.


Package Price
Full Day £400
Half Day £300
Online Hour Session £75